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[Science/Spirituality] BBC Ideas Fractal Infinity

A short animated video on how Fractal Geometry relates to the structure of infinity and the universe.

Written and narrated by Brandon RA with animation by BBC IDEAS, the project presented an opportunity to condense a complex mathematical theory into a digestible concept to be shared with a global audience. The video featured on the home page of BBC News and hit 120,000 views, showing that there is a hunger for perspective-shifting information and revelations about the nature of reality even on the UK's largest news outlet.

Professor Christopher Budd OBE professor of Mathamatics at the University of Bath was a consultant for the video, ensuring that theoretical physics involved were aligned with a model grounded in scientific reasoning and study.

I really wanted to show that science and mathamatics can enable us to understand the universe in a beautiful way - Brandon Ra (Founder of Psychic Garden)

It condensed ideas relating to scientific research into the nature of Fractals and how it can help us understand the concept of infinity. Many great academics and thinkers have addressed Fractals - and it was explained in great detail in one of our favourite TED TALKS by mathematician Ben Weiss.

The relationship between poetry, science and spirituality is crucial to growth in all domains throughout culture and is a unity that we support strongly.



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