We're excited to announce the re-launch of Psychic Garden Coffee - the coffee that plants trees, from the magazine that empowers creatives!
You can buy our Psychic Garden Organic Rainforest Coffee here: https://www.the-psychic-garden.com/cafe

Together, we are helping to sew the seeds of the new renaissance - a global paradigm shift in consciousness - and a decisive step towards enriching collaboration and regenerative activities of unlimited potential.
We believe that knowledge is power and ideas can change the world.

Over the last year, rather than starting to sell merch, we wanted to find a way to develop something innovative, wide-reaching, empowering and useful to help support what we think is super important right now: reforestation and artist empowerment. A strange but fitting idea occurred to us inspired by our time living and working on sustainability initiatives in South America - what if we partnered up with a reforestation charity and a speciality organic coffee supplier to make a Psychic Garden Coffee?

So we worked behind the scenes to redesign coffee from the ground up, sourcing some of the world's finest speciality organic coffee from the CENFROCAFE farmer's co-operative in Cajamarca, Northern Peru, and partnered up with Reforestation Charity TreeSisters to plant one tree for every bag sold! In our first year, Psychic Garden Planted over 1000 trees between our two reforestation partners: Treesisters and One Tree Planted.
So here's the story of how and why we made Psychic Garden Coffee:
In the beginnings of Psychic Garden, a part of our team was locked down in the high Andes in a remote town near the Sacred Valley. It was there, mornings fuelled by some of the world’s finest single-origin organic coffee.

As creatives, most of our lives have begun with the wonderful morning ritual of a cup of joe before we embark on our work. It is something that we cherish, love, and yes, are admittedly addicted to. It is something that is close to our hearts and something inherently tied with productive creativity.

Being a free online magazine, we needed a way to fund this important next step, and being coffee freaks, what better a way than bringing our psychic garden family the cleanest, highest spec coffee we could possibly create?
After a year in the studio - working on design, supply chain, and all the wild administrative aspects of the organic coffee business - we are happy and excited to share the our first product with you.

As a team enveloped in the ecological evolution of our systems, we made sure that every single bag we sell plants one tree, to return a sense of corporate responsibility to our consumption - and begin to challenge the corrupt practices that currently exist in commercial coffee's supply chain.
We wanted to experiment with bringing forward a product that is of the highest qualifications for sustainability, and which also gives back to independent and emerging creatives, starting in the country that we are buying coffee from.

We chose Cenfrocafe, an incredible farmers co-op on the outskirts of the Peruvian Amazon, who are dedicated to preserving and protecting the rainforest for their future generations and have gone out of their way to achieving impressive credentials in being certified by Fair Trade, USDA Organic and Rainforest Alliance.
The Cajamarca region's fertile soil and traditional water washed processing is known to produce some of the most balanced and delicious coffee in the world and is sought after by speciality coffee buyers.
Our particular batch has rich aromatic notes and has been roasted a versatile medium-dark to bring out it's complex flavour and so it works great as espresso, stovetop, french press, drip, pour-over and cold brew!

All in all, we are thrilled to share this first product with you, and in saying thanks we want to give our followers a discount to try out this first batch. The coffee is being launched on Psychic Garden first, and we will pay for free shipping for all US customers, on top of the tree planted with each bag.
We only roasted a small stock to get started so it's first come first serve on this limited edition batch! Together, in a time of historic global chaos, we have created an inspiring community that has begun to enrich the world with the things we make. We hope this project demonstrates how we can all help regenerate the earth's natural systems through the support of reforestation and sustainable agriculture - and how we can be more transparent about the origin, ethics, and quality of the things we consume.

Thanks again for helping support us - we look forward to bringing you our first print edition and more incredible collaborative projects as the time comes. We look forward to hearing from you - and as always - if you're interested in collaborating we welcome you to get in touch!
So - let the grind begin.